Routines are one of the recipes for long-term success in life, including success in weight training and muscle building. Only a long-term, optimal supply with the necessary building blocks will help you make optimal progress and leave nothing to chance. ESN athlete and Mr. Olympia Top 3 candidate Urs Kalecinski also swears by his morning routine, which helps him every day to get one step closer to his goal.
Urs Kalecinski's "Daily" is the support for every morning to optimally supply muscle building, passive structures such as joints and cartilage, as well as regeneration.
Instagram Urs: the.miraclebear
Important: Food supplements are only ever a supplement to a balanced and healthy diet and a healthy lifestyle.
- Makes daily creatine intake a delicious morning routine to replenish muscle creatine stores and provide sufficient adenosine triphosphate (ATP) for training and performance, as well as cognitive full power.
- Provides you directly with collagen peptides, which are building blocks for joints, tendons, and cartilage.
- Provides the extra daily serving of glutamine
Daily Ingredients
Creatine Monohydrate
Creatine is a compound formally derived from the amino acids glycine, arginine and methionine. Creatine is synthesized in small amounts (1-2 g/day) in the kidney, liver, and pancreas, and 90% is found in skeletal muscle (Antonio et al., 2021).
Another part is absorbed through food and is mainly found in meat, fish and milk, whereas plant products contain only traces of creatine.
Creatine is needed primarily for muscle contraction, but also for brain and nerve function. It provides a phosphate that helps convert adenosine diphosphate (ADP) produced during contraction back into adenosine triphosphate (ATP).
Creatine is one of the best studied supplements with over 500 scientifically based publications.
The fact that creatine has a proven positive impact on performance is also officially confirmed by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA).
Health Claim: Creatine increases physical performance during high-speed strength training in the context of short-term intense physical activity (with daily intake of 3 g creatine).
From Ostojic et al. from 2021 it can be seen that creatine is produced by the body, but this amount is not sufficient to adequately meet the demand. Especially vegetarians, vegans, and older people who eat little or no meat consume less creatine and have significantly lower creatine levels in their blood plasma, so that supplementation with creatine monohydrate makes sense and is even more effective.
Collagen hydrolysate (bioactive collagen peptides)
- Specific bioactive collagen peptide developed specifically for tendons and ligaments
- Targeted effect compared to conventional collagen, as specific peptides are isolated via patented processing steps that act directly on the appropriate collagen type in articular cartilage and additionally stimulate its own collagen synthesis. This process works like a kind of "lock and key" principle in articular cartilage.
The product contains the patented bioactive collagen peptides FORTIGEL®.
FAQ Daily
Where can I find the nutritional information for Daily?
Daily contains almost no usable kcal. It consists only of leucine, creatine, glutamine and collagen.
What do I need to bear in mind when taking the product? Do I have to stop taking the product after a certain time? The product contains creatine, which is why I'm asking.
Creatine is one of the most researched dietary supplements and is very safe. You should make sure you drink enough water while taking it.
Creatine does not need to be interrupted. Creatine can be taken continuously. This is even recommended.
Is daily use of the Daily safe?
Yes, it is safe to take as recommended. Our products are always aimed at adults and the average consumer.
Can I take Collagen Peptides, Daily and Solid Joints together?
You can combine all three products without any problems.
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